Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The REAL Christmas story, dirty buggers
I think Christmas is great. But even when I was a Christian I only ever saw it in secular terms. But even this is not being true to the spirit of the season. The true origins of Christmas are in fact much more interesting than you imagine, and much older. Oh and much nastier.
What confuses me the most is people who spout off about this being a religious holiday without really knowing anything about its history. Why don’t Christians know for example that assuming there was a Jesus, based on the bible he was likely born around April….maybe. I mean the Bible can't even get the year right for Christ's birth for Christ's sakes (pun intended). Various sections contradict each other.
In fact this is in part what you are really celebrating on December 25th. In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis was celebrated on this day. And guess what - the say consisted of party's, eating far too much and drinking more than your body weight, and of course there was gift-giving as well. Remind you of any particular day?
There is also Yule, the Winter Solstice which was celebrated long before Christianity and instead featured the great pagan Sun God, Mithras. Candles were lit to welcome the Sun to the new year. They considered mistletoe as a sacred plant and was used as a fertility ritual, the custom being that people would kiss beneath it.
Hmmm. Seeing a pattern here? I'm strangely reminded of the recent news that Coldplay is being sued by Joe Satriani for plagiarism.
The tree was also an important element of the winter solstice. They were cut down and placed in homes as a reminder that winter will end and crops will be ready to sew at seasons end.
But as usual in come the Christians to ruin everybody's good time. They decide to incorporate Saturnalia into the faith as a good will gesture to all the Godless looking for some salvation. Then in a typical dramatic twist they went and declared the baby Jesus' birthday to be December 25th, basically attempting to kill the mood of the whole festival. Nobody wants to think about Gods son, or God fathering himself or whatever it is, while they are gang banging their neighbours daughter. But this change from hedonism to morality took quite some time to evolve.
Skipping forward to the 1400's we see Pope Paul II forcing Jews to run naked through the streets of Rome. Whilst Pope Paul found this highly amusing the poor Jews did not share in his amusement at all. This continued until as late as 1836 when the Jewish community sent a petition to Pope Gregory XVI begging the church to stop this abuse; to which he replied that it was not an opportune time to go making any innovations. What a prick!
It got worse in 1881 when Christian leaders went too far with their anti-Semitic abuse which led to massive riots. 12 Jewish people were killed, many more maimed and of course there was wide spread rape. God bless the pure of heart.
In the end I think I will just continue to treat this holiday as secular. I doubt friends and family would join me in a literal celebration of this lawless and cruel day. No amount of fake birthdays is going to make me pretend that this day is in any way a Christian one.
So in honour of our enlightened times, I wish you all a happy, fun filled and ethical holiday. Treat your family and community with the respect it deserves and be happy we live in a time where reason and freethought is welcomed by many. Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
MPs on the meaning of Christmas
Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister): As we approach the Christmas season, there are often debates about Christmas being a Christian festival or a non-Christian festival in various parts of the world. I think the truth is this: whether we are of faith or not of faith, this is an important season for us all. For those of us who are of faith, it celebrates the birth of the Christ child. For those beyond faith it is a celebration for all families, and all therefore enjoy this season which lies ahead.
Beyond faith? As in, grown out of it, or as in a lost cause?
Malcolm Turnbull (Leader of the Oposition): This is, of course, the season of Christmas and we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, the birth of the man—the son of God—who established a faith that is as inspiring as it is mysterious, a faith that is based on love. This is truly, then, the season of love, and that is why families come together. It is why we come together to eat, for Christmas feasts, for lunches and dinners. We remember, too, that there is nothing more human than families coming together to share a meal. Indeed, the Eucharist is at the centre of our own faith, of our own liturgy—that sacred meal.
We should also remember that not all of the members of this House are members of the Christian faith. Indeed, I think it is important today to remember that a number of our colleagues around this time of year--around the Christmas season, if you like—-will be celebrating the feast of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival. That is a festival of lights and it celebrates the indomitable nature of the Jewish people.
Christianity, Judaism...yep, I think that's all of 'em.
Warren Truss (Leader of the Nationals): Christmas is a special time of the year. It is a time when families can gather together and enjoy one another’s company. From a parliamentary perspective, it is a time when we are able to have a break and perhaps live slightly more normal lives. But Christmas is more than just decorations, gifts and parties—although a special part of my Christmas is always decorating the family home with Christmas lights so that I can demonstrate what a special time Christmas is for me in my neighbourhood. The celebrations and symbols of Christmas highlight the joyous reason for our festivities—namely, the birth of Jesus Christ, who brought salvation and the message of peace and goodwill to all. Those who seek to take Christmas out of the holidays or Christ out of the Christmas certainly lose the central reason for our celebrations and their meaning and purpose.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Testimonials - proof that SOI works
So we don't get that many people looking at SOI and i figure to save us the bother of researching why this is and then doing something about it; i though why not just use testimonials instead. No cost, no time and you don't even need people to write them for you.
Here are some we generated from the wonderful service called Testimonial Generator.
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--Mary Howard
I'd be lost without Subjects Of Interest. I love Subjects Of Interest. It's all good. Really good.
--James Phillips
Thanks to Thinking Is Real blog for the idea.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Religion hates women - second example, some Muslims
As long as religion is given a level of undeserved respectability, suffering like this will always thrive.
Local Muslim clerics accused
Barney Zwartz
November 21, 2008
The Age Online
SOME Muslim religious leaders in Victoria are condoning rape within marriage, domestic violence, polygamy, welfare fraud and exploitation of women, according to an explosive report on the training of imams.
The report says some imams apply Sharia (Islamic law) when it benefits men but not when it benefits women, and that they hinder police from pursuing domestic violence charges.
Women seeking divorces have also been told by imams that they must leave "with only the clothes on their back" and not seek support or a share of property because they can get welfare payments.
And the report says some imams knowingly perform polygamous marriages, also knowing that the second wife, a de facto under Australian law, can claim Centrelink payments.
The report is based on a study commissioned and funded by the former Howard government and conducted by the Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria.
It was presented yesterday at a National Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies conference at Melbourne University.
It is the result of extensive community consultation, interviews with police, lawyers, court workers and academics, and meetings with and questions to the Victorian Board of Imams.
The board's role is to provide an Islamic view and religious guidance to the community and represent it to the media. The report claims that the 24-man board ignored or did not directly answer many of the questions.
It says women, community and legal workers and police involved in the consultation were particularly concerned about domestic violence, and suggested that imams aimed to preserve the family at the cost of women.
When cases came to court they were often dropped after family and community elders pressured women to withdraw charges.
The report says some women who were legally separated but not religiously divorced had their husbands enter their houses, demand sexual intercourse and take it by force.
"Workers who have assisted women in this situation said that the advice women received from the imams was that it was "halal" — permitted — because there was a valid "nikah" — marriage," it says.
The report also cites sexual assault allegations connected with under-age marriages.
It says polygamy is steadily increasing and gaining acceptance among Melbourne Muslims, and Shepparton police report many "de facto" relationships that are really polygamous marriages.
"Community workers who have provided support to women whose husbands took another wife religiously said that women blame the availability of Centrelink benefits … since one or the other wife will be claiming it, relieving the husband of the responsibility of supporting two families," the report says.
Community members quoted in the report believe that imams' narrow religious training in an increasingly complex world, lack of life experience, poor English and lack of understanding of Australia create problems for the community. For example, ill-informed comment by imams drew a wedge between the mainstream and Muslim communities.
The report suggests the Muslim community believes many imams are ill-equipped for the role, which involves much higher expectations in Australia than in predominantly Muslim countries, including marriage counselling, pastoral and spiritual care, marriages and divorces.
"They come from their own little village and culture and say this is what Islam is," one woman is quoted saying. "They come from a village where there is no running water and electricity, and they bring their dark ideas into this country."
The secretary of the Board of Imams, Sheikh Fehmi Naji El-Imam, said he could not understand how the council could write such a report and denied the complaints "absolutely".
"They must have heard stories here and there and are writing about them as though they are fact," he said.
Sheikh Fehmi, who is also Mufti of Australia, said no authorised imam would conduct a polygamous marriage, and it was absolutely wrong that women's rights were ignored in marriage or divorce, or that imams ignored domestic violence.
"I haven't heard of any case where the board disregarded a woman or did not try to help her," he said.
Islamic women's council chairwoman Tasneem Chopra said: "We are hoping we can negotiate with the appropriate authorities a better outcome for women, whether through law reform or education.
"This is a crucial, necessary beginning but it is part of a much larger picture."
'Be good for goods sake, not for gods sake'
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Australian Christian Lobby and womens rights? You have to be kidding.
'Australian Christian Lobby says Sex Party 'supports exploitation of women'
The nation's newest political party has come under fire from Christian groups even before its official launch.
The Australian Sex Party supports the exploitation and degradation of women through pornography and prostitution, the groups say.
The Australian Christian Lobby wants all other political parties to preference the party last on how-to-vote cards to prevent it taking seats in state and federal parliaments
"Pauline Hanson was rightly put last on how-to-vote cards because of her inappropriate views on race," lobby director Jim Wallace said.
The Australian Sex Party should be treated in the same way for its inappropriate views about women.''
The party will launch itself at the national Sexpo event in Melbourne today.
The party's platform includes opposition to the national internet filter, supporting gay marriage and adoption of a national sex education curriculum.
Now here are some quotes about women from the word of God. The Bible is judged by the Christian Lobby as being our source of morality. So lets see what the Bible has to say about women -:
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)
"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (I Corinthians 11:8-9)
"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." (Ephesians 5:22-24)
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
"Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up." (Hosea 13:16)
"Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman." (Eccles. 25:13)
"Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die." (Eccles. 25:22)
"If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go." (Eccles. 25: 26)
"The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids. If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty." (Eccles. 26:9-10)
"A silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord: and there is nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed. A shamefaced and faithful woman is a double grace, and her continent mind cannot be valued." (Eccles. 26:14-15)
"A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord." (Eccles.26:25)
"For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach." (Eccles. 42:13-14)
"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean." (Leviticus 12:2)
"Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." (Revelation 2:22-23)
"When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her." (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed." (Exodus 22:18-20)
"Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go." (Judges 19:24-25)
"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)
"If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;" (Deuteronomy 22:22)
"Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you." (Deuteronomy 22:24)
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." (Genesis 3:16)
My thanks to God for allowing me to quote him for this post.
For more information on where we get our morals from, i recommend this forum as a good starting point.
Monday, November 17, 2008
No one as Irish as Barack Obama
It's fascinating how affectionate the satire surrounding Obama is. And yes, I admit it, I too have turned into an irrational Obama fanboy.
- Mark
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Why you should never support Christian Charities
Charity and religion should be just a separate as Church and state. If a Christian wants to do good then more power to them, but do it for goods sake not for Gods sake. "Here is your food and medicine, all we ask is you listen to us about how Jesus can save you". Leave religion out of it.
The article linked to below refers to Christian religious leaders in Nigeria making people pay a years worth of wages to perform exorcisms on their defenseless and terrified children. The alternative being they are kicked out of their community or hacked to death because these same Church leaders preach that child-witches walk amongst them.
If these people have Christ in their hearts i would hate to come across a Satanist!
Click here to read the UK Telegraph article by David Harrison.
Please go here to find a list of non-religious charities and help keep religion out of charity. Thanks to the techskeptic blog for providing this. My charity of choice is Doctors without borders.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The power of prayer? Please explain.
Now that Obama has won, could someone please explain in some detail how this works? Why has God apparently chosen Obama over McCain?
How do we explain the intracacies of who's prayer gets heard?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday Affettuoso - my homework was never like this
This is some footage of a teacher in Hungary who was given truth or dare at a school party. I guess she chose dare.
This woman has my full and complete attention. Perhaps i should move over there to finally live out my dream of becoming the real Billy Madison and begin school all over again.
I just hope she doesn't expect me to stand for the national anthem.
I dedicate this Friday Affettuoso to sexy stripper teacher. The rest of me might be all Aussie but from now on ive got Hungary eyes.
boom boom
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tagging in i-tunes on a rainy night
It was in that very site that I came across some great information regarding tagging. Now I just love this idea so much I had to share. I love that I can drill down to a song and associate all kinds of descriptive tidbits about it. Perhaps this appeals to a certain type of individual; one who likes labels. Or maybe those who like to consider the future.
What this means is that once you start amassing enough tagged music you can begin to use the playlist option in i-tunes with some aplomb and panache. Forget the boring old 'Year of release' or 'Genre' or 'Least played' or 'Most recently added' playlists. By using tags you can create the most fascinating mixes by connecting music with a subject or theme such as 'Magazine' or 'Weather'. When I did this the resulting mix of music was a revelation. Rock,jazz, alternative, roots, reggae, world from any time all played beautifully together. It is almost like giving people a free pass to enjoy music they would normally not listen to. All you need to do is select Random and as long as you have enough music you can keep updating the random option and here new music for the same tag. I tell you it’s the bees knees.
My personal favourites so far have been 'The word blue', 'Seasons' and 'Bob Dylan' added with 'Bob Dylan covers'. Have a try yourself and come back to tell us your favourite tagged playlists.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Do you come in a dozen OR have a heart.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sally Kern - amazing new evidence about Atlantis demise
Could you all please bow your heads. I am about to speak.
I once was knew a guy who started to record conversations with his friends without their knowing. The consequences of which were a bunch of people who were really pissed off totally betrayed. I cant tell you why he thought this was a good idea but it became something of an obsession for him. He would record phone conversations and then took to videoing people at his home without their being aware.
This could be viewed as a tremendous violation in itself however he took it one step further. During these converstations he would start to talk about other friends and would ask what they thought of this person or that. Now we are all a little gossipy at heart and it is not unusual for a person who feels secure in the privacy of a converation to start totally bagging the shit out of others. What they don’t expect is for this guy to then phone that person once they have left and play the conversation to them over the phone. Suffice to say nothing would be the same for any party involved. It was horribly sick of him and I soon cut off contact for good.
But you see nothing in this world is truly black and white and it got me wondering if perhaps this sort of underhandedness is ever justified.
And the answer is clearly YES.
It is said that God hears and sees all. But if God is supposed to be keeping track of all these conversations he appears to be content with hoarding them for some bizarre personal use. So its up to us on the ground floor as it were to start making people accountable for what they say. I say bring Big Brother to the streets. After all they say that if you make a comment that you wouldn’t say in front of your Mother then you shouldn’t say it at all.
Here is a terrific example of why some conversations you have with certain people should be secretly recorded. This is an audio recording of Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, who was secretly recorded speaking all kinds of vile crap at a party. The best bit is her 'evidence' that no society that supports homosexuality has lasted more than a few decades. This could possible go down as the stoooopidest statement ever made for so many reasons.
Here is some of the fallout.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Howling at the moon - A rollicking ramadan rant
Friday, September 26, 2008
A bugs life - laughing at the dumb ass humans,23599,24405565-23109,00.html
MOTION-detecting cameras at a Kansas gym have recorded a mysterious white orb floating around fitness equipment, unnerving the gym's owner.
Security cameras at the Overland Park gym videotaped the image hovering and lingering around dumbbells in the middle of the night, local media reported.
The motion-detecting system at the gym had been activated nine times, baffling owner Kim Peterson and the security firm, CNN affiliate reported.
Ms Peterson said she was sure there was a logical explanation but the security company said the system had ruled out bugs, dust or headlights from cars passing outside.
"I called my security company and said, 'Is there a lightbulb going out or do I need to get up and clean the lens?" Ms Peterson said.
"They reviewed it and said, 'We have no idea what that is'."
It is amazing how a small insect crawling around the glass of a camera lens can cause such confusion. Similar 'ghost' videos have been seen before and are easily replicated. If you ask Mark nicely he might point you to one he sent me a while back.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Psychology of Music Preferences

This got me thinking about how one might statistically look for trends in music preferences. I wondered if there'd ever been a factor analysis of music preferences. A factor analysis is a statical technique for finding trends amongst different variables. It's often used in personality research. You ask a large sample of volunteers a whole stack of questions (e.g., "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like parties?", "How much do you like being the center of attention?" etc.) and look for shared variance in the responses. I've written about factor analyses of personality related data before here.
Anyway, a quick literature search turned up this article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. (2003). The Do Re Mi’s of Everyday Life: The Structure and Personality Correlates of Music Preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 136-1256.
Among the studies reported is a factor analytic study of music preferences. 1,704 students from the University of Texas were asked to rate each of 14 music genres on a scale from 1 ('I don't like it at all') to 7 ('I like it a great deal'). The genres were: alternative, blues, classical, country, electronica/dance, folk, heavy metal, rap/hip-hop, jazz, pop, religious, rock, soul/funk, and sound tracks.
The analysis revealed 4 main dimensions (factors) that captured 59% of the total variance. The names given to these factors and the genres associated with them are as follows:
- Reflective and complex (blues, jazz, classical, and folk)
- Intense and rebellious (rock, alternative, heavy metal)
- Upbeat and Conventional (country, sound track, religious, and pop)
- Energetic and Rhytmic (rap/hip-hop, soul/funk, and electronica/dance)
These dimensions are reasonably independent of each other (1). People who like reflective and complex music are just as likely to enjoy intense and rebellious music as they are to not. What these factors mean is that if someone likes a genre related to a particular dimension (e.g., blues) then they'll probably also like the other genres on that dimension (e.g., jazz). The same goes for disliking a genre.
One limitation of this study is that peoples' understanding of genre terms may vary. I might think that I don't like folk music and yet like many songs that others would categorise as folk. It would be great to see an analysis done on song by song ratings, rather than just genres.
Another analysis, which was really interesting, involved looking for relationships between e musical preferences and differences in personality and cognitive ability. They found all sorts of relationships, although most of them were quite small (.2ish). The largest one (.4ish) was between a preference for Reflective and Complex music and the personality characteristic Openness to Experience. Interestingly, there was a small (.2ish) relationship between verbal IQ and liking of Reflective and Complex, Intense and Rebellious, or Upbeat and Conventional music (2).
Very interesting stuff.
I'd love to see these researchers team up with Apple and analyse the iTunes Genius data.
(1) Upbeat and Conventional and Energetic and Rythmic correlate .5 if allowed to covary.
(2) And no, I don't think this is evidence that music makes you smarter (can you guess why?).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mark on Science

Science is a special kind of magic, practiced by people called 'nerds'. No body knows how it works for sure, but it probably has something to do with computer machines.
Be careful, science is dangerous. Nerds get so lazy from all their science making that they only have enough strength to stare into space, talk to the internet, or drive their electric wheelchairs.
Sometimes nerds get angry. If too many nerds are angry at one time, electricity stops working and nuclear bombs go off. Damn you nerds! (but don't tell them i said that)
Luckily, normal people can reap the rewards of science without having to risk their own sanity, because nerds are happy to do science for you. They will accept monetary compensation, but are also happy to work for social approval.
One final note. Logic tells us that all nerds wear glasses, but that not all people who wear glasses are nerds. You may not agree with this opinion, but you'll have a hard time convincing me otherwise, as there are two sides to every fact.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Google Habit
It occurred to be a while back that with the Internet being as it is, there's really no reason to ever NOT look stuff up. The time it takes to Google a quick answer is so small that it's more efficient to Google than waste any time wondering.
Even for the silly questions that float through one's head. What is the gestational period of an elephant? What is an 'aptronym'? How old is the universe? You can have a preliminary answer in seconds.
But I have to remind myself to Google. It's a habit I'm trying to cultivate.
Google should launch a TV add campaign. Each add should be only 5 seconds and should just ask a question for you to Google:
"Do lead pencils have lead in them? Google it!"
"How many light years to the nearest star? Google it!"
Won't a reliance on Google lead to cognitive atrophy? I'm not sure that it will. Maybe it will free up the mind to think about the hard questions, the big questions, the questions that apply only to me. Of course, this too is a habit I need to cultivate.
Blogged by Mark
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ray Lamontagne new song
His new song provides us this as an illustration. It is another beautiful song. He is in my humble opinion on of our generations greatest singer/songwriters.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Speaking in tongues - the real deal
Friday, August 22, 2008
Pastor Michael Guglielmucci and why we dont get morals from religion.
Read it here -,23600,24216087-2,00.html
Add to this a paragraph from an earlier report - 'There is an amazing moment on the latest Hillsong DVD, This Is Our God, when Michael Guglielmucci, stricken with cancer, walks on stage with an oxygen tent to boldly sing his song Healer.'
In essence this pastor told his congregation and indeed the world that he had cancer. He has preached to thousands of impressionable people and even recorded a hit song called Healer. The major problem with all this was that he never had cancer in the first place.
It is a fascinating and sometimes disturbing thing to see the reactions in the comments section of this article and articles like it. I decided it would be worth some time to comment on the comments as it where. It is also fascinating to note that TV has refused to pick up this story.
I am not intending for this to be a chance to mock some Christians, rather I would like to use this opportunity for people to view the many ways that religion protects itself. Remember that they have had a long time to finesse these responses and the excuses are almost a tradition in themselves.
Let the diversions begin…………... my comments in blue.
I think it's sad that other people who don't belong to a religion as such who make detrimental mistakes don't have to be ostracized the way Mike has. I don't belittle the effects of what he's done but it's unrealistic to hold him to a different standard than any other human being who's made huge mistakes because of his faith in Christ. As a "crazy Christian" myself, I believe in an enemy as much as God. So as much as Mike is not exempt from the enemy, he's neither exempt from God's grace. It's a shame others don't consider exercising that grace too.
Posted by: Kate Lauren of Australia
And yet the very same argument is used against non-believers - where does your morals come from? Implying that without faith you would have no moral compass. What double standards this is. The apt term here is 'if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen'. Don’t aspire to be societys moral compass if the people in the faith behave no more morality than those not of the faith. And of course the other chesnut is the fall back - satan. If a believer is immoral it must surely be the devils work.
If only you knew what this man has had to endure, then you would not sneer but feel commpassion. I have know Mike for many yeras now and this is a shock to me too, just because the messenger fails, doesn't mean the message is false. I think what we need to remember is that Mike is not God, he is a man and i just hope that he gets up from his fall to show us what the power of God can really do.
Posted by: shaun of melbourne
Just because a person is perceived to be suffering, it does not justify immorality. It just means that this person decided that through his suffering he would show the worst in himself rather than the best, which every single Christian was praising him for before this bombshell hit. Its like shooting excuse arrows at a moving target.
What is the message if not to be a moral person, to be a good representative of the faith and to do no harm? And lets not forget the most important disctinction here - we are told ovre and over again that without faith we cannot be moral. This is the distinction here.
Again we see the moving target. Sin is not frowned upon, it simply gives us a great opportunity to show how no matter what we do there is forgiveness after the fact.
God see's your little lie as the exact same thing as Mikes big fraud. Infact all sin is the same so we're all on the same scale here.
Posted by: kelly of brisbane
This must be a great deal of comfort to murderers, dictators committing genocide and men pretending to speak for God. If its all the same and we are forgiven anyway, lets go nuts.
Wow. Sounds like 90% of the comments are from people just waiting to pounce the moment a 'christian' screws up. So if it had been a politician, would the whole government's laws & regulations be a sham? If it was an athlete, are the olympics not real and all in our imagination? You gotta remember, there are things that your weak minds and limited perception that you just cannot grasp. ie, the idea of something OTHER THAN YOU. Praying for you Gug..
Posted by: Carey Lee of Melbourne
No Carey, but then the politician does not make a promise to abide by a set of commandments does he. Given the Church consistently tells us that without God there is no morality, it is well within our rights to criticize a person for not acting out his faith. When a politician acts in a manne which contravenes his roles and responsibilities then he is indeed held fully accountable. If the laws and regulations are not robust enough then they can be adjusted, unlike the Bible.
For a Christian to use the terms 'weak minds' and 'limited perception' is about the funniest thing I have read so far.
And as for those who think all we do is pray, therefore nothing, take a look at the women's and children's hospital and schools around the country that have been renovated for no other reason than because the church wants to love people.
Posted by: Kate Lauren of Australia 3:36am
This is completely false. It shows a complete lack of knowledge. Kate simple assumes that the Church is the only thing keeping hospitals and schools together because Christians are taught not to research, but to merely believe. Belief does not unfortunately make a thing true.
As my co-blogger Mark has pointed out - It's confusing the difference between there being people who do good things AND are Christian, and people who do good things BECAUSE they are Christian.
But take it from this Christian--believing in something bigger than yourself, like God isn't being brainwashed. It's being brave. And at the end of the day, sure I could be wrong. But I'd rather take my chances believing there is a God and die wrong than believe there wasn't only to find out there was.
Posted by: Kate Lauren of Australia 4:43am today
With this argument it stands to reason that Kate should also join every other faith, because one particular faith could be wrong. And im sure she would rather take her chances believing in them all 'just in case'. What a horrible and selfish reason to devote yourself to a belief. Forget the religions positives to the community and all, im just looking out for number one here.
As Infidel of Adelaide has also confirmed- Pascal's Wager is a fundamentally flawed reason for believing in God. Looking at it rationally, the only sensible option is to go with the overwhelming evidence provided by science, not religion, for the answers to the big questions of the universe.. but then, religion has never been about logic, rationality or making sense, has it?
Mark also adds - This argument if a famous one. It's called Pascals Wager. You've identified one hole in this logic - that there a lots of different gods to believe in, and some gods say not to believe in the other ones. There's also two potentially false premises: 1) that there would be bad consequences for not believing if he does exist, 2) and that there are no consequences for believing if he doesn't.
Oooh, big news, Christian lied, therefore all Christians are deceived liars. So if we extend that line of reasoning a little further: Atheist Hitler killed people, therefore all atheists are evil murderers. All people make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. But thank goodness somebody paid the price for my sins.
Posted by: Ben of Canberra
In fact Hitler was NOT an atheist, he was a Catholic. Let me repeat that just in case it is forgotten. In fact Hitler was NOT an atheist, he was a Catholic.
I actually had a tangible spiritual experience at one meeting he spoke at... which I attribute to God... I know some may mock... it doesn't worry me... I'm just pointing out God uses anything (including fakes) to bring people closer to him. Essentially the only thing separating a Christian from a Non Christian is faith... we are just like everyone else. I personally apologize for our self righteous mentality. We really are no better, we are just like you.
Posted by: Jezer
Wow, this is a new one. God uses anything to bring people closer to him, including making a mockery of his apparent teachings. With that sort of argument we could attribute the holocaust, hiroshima or even a dab of vegemite on toast to being God's way of converting people to the true faith? Obviously it would require someone of faith to point them out to us otherwise, well it could be mistaken for just a piece of toast.
I'm saddened for him that he felt that he needed to go this route. i have faith however that god will use this situation for his glory.
Posted by: ben
It has actually been proven that prayer has absolutely no impact on the sick individual that they a praying for. This test was conducted by the faithful by the way. They are just keeping it quiet obviously.
The larger these christian institutions become, the stronger the self-preservation instinct seems to be which generally results in what we see all too often
Posted by: Dan of Hobart
Right on brother! The comments above provide many examples of self preservation. It truly is all religion has left. The last gasp.
Good comments Kate Osutsider of Perth would rather believe that he came from a monkey and his words do depict the culture. A foolish man says in his heart there is no God" and I dont choose to be foolish
Posted by: Sorry i missed this persons name.
Do you think this person has ever considered opening a book about evolution or do you think perhaps she is basing her opinion on someones comments within the church? Perhaps she should also do a little reading or watching of monkeys and their culture. Personally i like to test my beliefs with others who conflict mine. If my beliefs are based on knowledge and evidence then iI should not be afraid to read an alternative view. Which is why I began to read up on evolutionary theory.
I embrace my foolishness with all my heart.
This is hardest for the people who know Mike and have been on the journey with him for the past 4+ years. But of course. Then you get a bunch of atheistic dorks who have nothing better to do with their life, than try and "Prove" that God doesnt exist from a MAN'S flaw.
Beau of Melbourne
The onus is on YOU to prove God exists. Because there is plenty of evidence out there to support he doesn’t or at the very least we have still seen nothing that cannot be explained without a Gods input. Point me to the relevant studies my friend.
Finally a great comment from Jonathan -
Shaun - what he's had to endure? Regardless of what may have happened in his life (I have no idea what he's been through), he brought this on himself. Nobody forced him to pretend to have cancer for 2 years. I've been through a lot in my 26 years on this planet (including 16 years of very serious illness) but I would never do what he has done. I've no idea if he made money out of this lie but at the very least if he didn't, his church and Hillsong made a packet. It's time evangelical Christians stopped making excuses for crooked preachers.The traditional denominations have far more than their fair share of problems, to be sure, but time and time again, evangelical preachers are shown to be charlatans. It's an easy way to make money, when no divinity training is required and people flock to your place of worship and can be convinced to hand over 10% (often more) of their income with few questions asked. Maybe Hillsong et al will donate any money they made out of this man's songs and sob-story to charity. Nah, not likely! They'll probably use it to promote their 'mental health services' which are nothing more than money-making exorcisms. I dare say Mike has already been exorcised.
Another great comment -
There seems to be a lot of defenders here. I actually went to school with this guy and am quite shocked. I have just had a friend die of cancer and for anyone to pretend to have cancer is despicable. I would have the same feeling for a person who would do that no matter what their religion is. For someone who should know better to actually benefit from a despicable lie like this just makes it even worse. People who put themselves up as moral leaders and behave in this manner deserve a more severe punishment than an average person because they are in a position of trust. Much like if a Supreme Court judge got caught stealing, they would receive a harsher penalty than the average Joe.
Posted by: Seraph of Adelaide
And a final word from Mark - Overall opinion: the actions of someone who has a belief doesn't speak to the merit of that belief. It does speak to the culture of the Pentecostal church in Australia though.
If you are someone who wants to learn more about the world you live in and how we got here. We suggest you have a read of books by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. If you are of a faith, our challenge is for you to read one of these books and test your beliefs for their robustness.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Septuagint translators and the immoral perpetuation of the virgin birth.
I soon got tired of the lack of non-spin-doctor answers to any of my questions and moved on. That and the fact that my cat died while i was away at some God awful (hee hee) weekend camp with the most aggressive bunch of sexually repressed teens in my life. I took it as a sign and never went back.
I am slightly off point here however i felt it necessary to paint a picture of where i am coming from when telling you about something i discovered while reading The Selfish Gene. It was merely an offside remark Dawkins makes to describe the replication of genes, however i took note of it and as usual went a googling.
Huh? What was that again?
I couldn't believe my eyes. I went to the footnotes for further clarification as well as googling it. There are many links to various sites below however for the sake of completeness i will stick with Dawkins response to those who corresponded with him after reading his book. He explained that this is well known to biblical scholars and indeed not disputed. The Hebrew word in Isaiah is Almah which means 'young woman' of marriageable age, whether married or not, or a virgin or not; in a broad general sense exactly like girl or maid in English. If virgin were the word they were translating it would have been 'Bethulah'. What occurred is the pre-christian Greek translation known as Septuagint used 'Parthenos' which really means virgin. Many English translations also carry this error - 'Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son ..'.. The New English Bible correctly gives 'young woman' in Isaiah. Honestly translated, the verse reads: "Behold, the young woman has conceived-[is with child)-and beareth a son and calleth his name Immanuel."
So the story of the virgin birth is false, the Church know it is false and yet belief in the virgin birth is still maintained. This is outrageous and completely immoral to me. After all this is a huge part of the religion we are talking about. It is also a huge shock that i had never heard of this before. There are plenty of sites out there that will try and counter some of the facts however it is as usual with a profound lack of reasoning or credible evidence that they present their arguments.
If i had any respect straws left on my faith camel they are well and truly broken now. What will we find out next, that the second coming was also false? Perish the thought my heathen friends.
Indeed I once was blind, but now I see.
Want to read more? Here is a nice article -
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fleshing out evolution.
But evolution is much more interesting than that, much more profound in its implications, yet not that difficult to understand. The key is why evolution occurs, not just that it does. My sense, however, is that the majority of evolution acceptors in Australia have only ever been exposed to the one sentence version of the concept, as I had been.
So if you want more, here's two recommendations:
Read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. I believe my co-blogger, Dan, is in the middle of it himself.
Check out Dawkins' new TV series The Genius of Charles Darwin
Dan recommends you check out this site for even more fascinating information to help us understand more about us and the world we live in.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tamsyn - her drug of choice? The media.
Tamsyn Lewis has made comments over the last few days regarding the number of drug cheats she is up against during the coming Olympics. But surely Tamsyn knows the score here, how can you not? Is she really this gullible?
I mean who actually wants more stringent drug testing? Which group out there is actually going to benefit from the removal of drugs from sport?
Look at what is being said about the Australian swimming team. Apparently they will be winning 11 gold this year. Nobody cares for what, as long as the numbers are up from last year. As long as we show these damn Americans who the sporting gods really are.
Tamsyn is an ok runner, she will never be the best even if these other athletes stop using performance enhancing drugs. And lets be honest here, she is there partly because she has a pretty face and makes the sport look glamorous (and diverts the attention away from a culture of drug use). She is sort of like Kournakova in this respect. You didn’t think she was in these Tennis tournaments because she was that good did you?
If they cant break a record they damn well better be able to give the viewer a stiffy. Your honour, at this time I would like to offer Beach Volleyball as exhibit A.
I ask this again, who actually is going to gain from more stringent drug testing? We all know the answer to this and it is why the current setup is designed to ensure the athletes can work around tests easily enough as long as they play the political game as well as they play their sport. But if you get too cocky or start becoming too obvious, then you are the next scapegoat to be used to fool the public that something is being done to stop this from getting worse. Sorry to burst peoples bubble but unless you are using these drugs you are not likely to be standing on any pontoon in your life time.
Drugs are rampant throughout sport, not just at the top either. It is part of the sporting culture. Just go on any athletes forum and you will begin to see how entrenched it is in the industry. Tamsyn was never going to win a medal. She knows it and we know it. Making some song and dance about it now is just face saving to the sponsors who she relies on to keep handing over the money so she doesnt have to get an actual job. Lets face it, from her perspective she has to do this. She doesnt win the damn races and without her face in the paper their sponsorship will be handed over to the next pretty young thang that can make a final.
Taking performance enhancing drugs is far from cheating. It’s a must if you care about winning. The truth is harsh and all I can say is don’t go complaining about these people as being cheats if you intend on watching the Olympics this year. You don’t want to be a hypocrite do you? That’s for world class athletes who speak up against drugs in sport.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
10 iPhone improvement suggestions
1. Preferencing the 2.5G signal over the 3G when the 3G signal is there but so weak as to be slower than 2.5G. Ditto for preferencing 2.5G or 3G over wifi when the wifi is so weak as to be useless.
2. Automatically turning on the VPN when the only wifi connection available requires it (as is the case when I'm on campus). Or at least some way of programming the phone to do this.
3. Google Street View on the maps application
4. An indication of how much data I've used visible on the home screen, not buried in the menus.
5. For updated applications to remain in the same spot on the home screen that they started at.
6. Allow video recording through the camera.
7. Cut and paste.
8. Allow you to put a custom data feed into the screen saver holding screen.
9. Haptic feedback.
10. Sync video playlists like a regular iPod.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Mark Kozelek - the sad life of the troubadour
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wrong side of the bed - the proof
One of the purposes of this Blog is to write about interesting things and see what the wider web world has to say on the subject. A simple search on most topics will provide at least something of interest. It may not be factual, possible or true but dag nab it you can find some funny stuff out there.
Here is an example. This morning I am feeling tired and unmotivated because I only got 5 hours sleep last night. The thought of having to come up with something to write about made me want to just crawl under my desk and go 'in utero'. I then remembered that I wrote down some possible subjects to write in a kind of rainy day file. One that particularly struck me this morning was the entry - 'Getting out of the wrong side of the bed. Is this testable?'
Perfect! They say you should write about what you know. It got me thinking whether anybody else has thought about this. Surely there is some evidence out there that getting out of the wrong side of the bed can ruin your day.
Well I was wrong, and yet…….
I found this blog called The Smartest Man Online. In a boldly titled post 'Explanation : Wrong Side of the Bed' he notes that there are four cycles of REM (WARNING: from this point on I offer you my own interpretation) in which it is akin to a football match in that the game must only conclude at the end of the fourth quarter. To interrupt this cycle is to break the rules.
You see the sleeping individual requires a cycle of shallow sleep in order for the body to be fully charged. Actually its more like a phone charger isn't it. If you don’t complete the charging cycle you get much less workable use from the phone later in the day. This is all good and I understand the logic. But it does'nt explain anything pertaining to the side of the bed you get out of. He has merely argued that its no fun being woken up early. Well duh!
Time to move on. Thankfully my return to Google provided me some more valuable information. Over at The Divine Caroline we finally get some solid proof. She reports that the Premier Hotel Chain commissioned a study to answer this very question. Bless their cotton sheets. The study concluded that it was in fact the LEFT side that ensured us the perfect start to the day. Read a little further and you discover that it was a dazzling combination of psychology and feng shui that lead to this conclusion. You see the left side of the brain is your rational and logical hemisphere while the filthy right side is all juiced up on emotions and imagination. So the logical (and clearly scientific) conclusion is that you should roll out of the bed on the left side and this will chemically switch on the good side of your brain. The actual detail or proof for all this is very dry stuff so lets just agree to agree shall we? As for the feng shui, well apparently Left is much better. Ok, cool. Yay for left.
But here is something I pondered. And reading further I see The Divine Caroline also did. If the left hemisphere looks after the right side of the body and vice versa, shouldn’t you be rolling out the right side if you are using your left hemisphere? The overall theory I'm sure we can all agree is perfectly sound, but this missed detail is just alarming. I am left even more confused and distressed than when I first read it. I need a nap but im too scared to get in the wrong side too.
Its seems clear that there is only one course of action left to us. From this day on I intend on getting in and out from the end of the bed, and thus ensuring a karmically balanced start to the morning. Rather than being too logical, or too emotional, I will be centred and at one with the universe.
And God save the souls of those with a bed like this. For truly theirs is a bleak and uncertain future.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Speaking of spam - the story of Charlie
This is the saddest email I have ever read ever! Serious guys, I'm not joking on this one. If you don't burst into tears after reading this, you're an awful person.
Saturday is a busy day
It's time for the football game
So Charlie raced out of the door
His father did the same
He rushed towards the family car
And sat down on the seat
And impatiently waited for his dad
While wiggling his feet
Too busy to have breakfast
Too busy to comb his hair
Too busy to check the computer
And the email that waited there
So Charlie played his football
And kicked ten thousand points
Although he hurt his kicking foot
And other assorted joints
But for all his youthful vigour
And his cheeky boyish grin
Little did poor Charlie know
That fate was coming for him
He checked his computer once more
But off to the living room he went
Because 'Idol' was on the tv
And the email remained unsent
Had he taken notice
Had he read it to the end
He would have understood the sad email
Sent to him by his friend
He didn't read the story
He didn't send it on
And slowly, very slowly
All his good luck shall be gone
For chain emails are a powerful thing
As Charlie did find out
The bad luck that awaited him
Was enough to make you shout...
"Oh no, not poor young Charlie
He's such a brave little guy
He's such a little trooper
Why did he have to die?"
That's right, poor Charlie carked it
He got cancer in his bowel
Then got a bout of syphilis
- please don't ask us how
And then he tripped down the stairs
And broke his upper left thigh
And as he lay there in agony
He wished he had replied-
-To that simple little message
"Had I only passed it on
I wouldn't be here dying
With chille stains on my shirt
I must have hit my head" he said
"I've clearly got concussion.
No longer am I rhyming well
Or speaking in correct pies"
As little Charlie passed away
Ducks nibbling at his spleen
And rats sneaking into his bowels for warmth
His toes were turning green
And from his foaming trembling lips
These last words did he moan
"if you don't reply to chain emails
you'll die horribly and alone... probably down some stairs or something."
50 - Send this email to over 50 people, and Charlie will come to life again. You and he shall go on a magical journey to some far off land, and then have cake. Then of course he will have to die again to make room for the next person to send 50 emails.
20 - Send this on to 20 people and not only shall you be immune to cancer, but you'll also receive four billion dollars within seven seconds of sending it. Also, that huge crush that you once had will turn up to your door and immediately propose to you.
10 - Send this on to 10 people and you will develop duck repellent qualities. Furthermore to that, you will never ever spill chille on your favourite shirt. Your crush will come to your door and say something to do with avacados, but you were too busy staring in awe at them that you weren't really listening. You'll find a fifty dollar note on the street, but then you'll probably just spend it on food or something, which makes it a kind of waste, because it all ends up in the toilet in the end anyway.
5 - Send this to 5 people and you will have an erotic dream about your crush that night. At least you think it's them, because the person's face isn't quite the same and they change gender from time to time. Nevertheless it will be a happy dream. You will also find an empty bottle on the street while you walk to work which you can cash in for about twenty cents and the recycling shop. You'll see a rat around the corner, but then you'll keep walking and forget about it about four seconds later.
4 - Send this email to 4 people and we'll give you a free upsize to 5, THIS WEEK ONLY!!
< 4 - Send this email to less than 4 people and you'll most likely trip over some hobo on the way to work and have to clean bodily fluids off your favorite suit for the rest of the day.
0 - If you refuse to send this email to anyone, because you're lazy, or insensitive or just don't have any fingers, then you will die a horrible, horrible death.
Don't believe us? Check out these fantastic testimonials:
"Hi, My name is Fred Tompson. I read this email and was so moved by the story of Charlie that I immediately forwarded it to 24 people. The next day I became the richest man in the world by selling immitation sardines over the internet. I'm also married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and we make sweet love once every seven minutes. I owe it all to clicking my mouse button a few times and thinking of Charlie."
"Tootles! Jeanette Winterbottom's the name. I am a teacher of Information Technology at Darbishire Elementary College. We recently had one of our students die from witholding Chain emails from the community. Among the symptons included a broken pancreas, dislocated brain, a bit of a backache after dinner, and the distinct smell of duck poo. I now use this email as a criteria for all my student's gradings and have found it successful in reducing the ammount of rat-related deaths in the college by 37% Since implementing the program, all unexpected in-class fatalities were the result of other phenomenon and not this email. Thank you Charlie!"
"Hi, I'm Brett. I received this email, and deleted it. now I'm dead."
"I'm Ted Lowry. I received this email, and sent it to only 7 people. As I was walking to work the next day, I found an old CD on the road. I tried to play it, but it was really too scratched to get any real melodies. I kept it around the office for a few more days, but then I threw it out and bought a sandwich. God bless you Charlie!"
As you can see, the power of this email is astronomical. So prove to yourself and to your friends that you are a good person, and not a selfish one. Send this to as many people as you can. And if you don't have enough friends to send this email to, then you're probably an awful person and deserve all the bad luck coming to you.
But now here's the best bit. Before you press send, think of Charlie, count to five and make a wish.
>>>>> 5!
>>>>> 4!
>>>>> 3!
>>>>> 3!
>>>>> 1!
Ooops, it must have got wet. But perhaps if you wait a little while, then your wish is 46% certain to be absolutely GUARANTEED to come true!