Could you all please bow your heads. I am about to speak.
I once was knew a guy who started to record conversations with his friends without their knowing. The consequences of which were a bunch of people who were really pissed off totally betrayed. I cant tell you why he thought this was a good idea but it became something of an obsession for him. He would record phone conversations and then took to videoing people at his home without their being aware.
This could be viewed as a tremendous violation in itself however he took it one step further. During these converstations he would start to talk about other friends and would ask what they thought of this person or that. Now we are all a little gossipy at heart and it is not unusual for a person who feels secure in the privacy of a converation to start totally bagging the shit out of others. What they don’t expect is for this guy to then phone that person once they have left and play the conversation to them over the phone. Suffice to say nothing would be the same for any party involved. It was horribly sick of him and I soon cut off contact for good.
But you see nothing in this world is truly black and white and it got me wondering if perhaps this sort of underhandedness is ever justified.
And the answer is clearly YES.
It is said that God hears and sees all. But if God is supposed to be keeping track of all these conversations he appears to be content with hoarding them for some bizarre personal use. So its up to us on the ground floor as it were to start making people accountable for what they say. I say bring Big Brother to the streets. After all they say that if you make a comment that you wouldn’t say in front of your Mother then you shouldn’t say it at all.
Here is a terrific example of why some conversations you have with certain people should be secretly recorded. This is an audio recording of Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, who was secretly recorded speaking all kinds of vile crap at a party. The best bit is her 'evidence' that no society that supports homosexuality has lasted more than a few decades. This could possible go down as the stoooopidest statement ever made for so many reasons.
Here is some of the fallout.
1 comment:
Noted Homo-Hater, Sally Kern, Declared Honorary Gay/Lesbian Person
by James Nimmo
(OKLAHOMA CITY) To commemorate National Coming Out Day on Saturday, October 11, 2008, I am exercising my gay genetic heritage and declaring Rep. Sally Kern of Oklahoma an honorary gay/lesbian person in recognition of the fine work she has done to keep our community's issues in the forefront of media attention, both here in Oklahoma and nationwide.
In a country turned upside down by religious and financial turmoil I feel that it is important to keep our American values straight and forthright. Her latest pronouncements have illustrated the debt our gay brothers and sisters owe to her. and
Where as: Mrs. Kern has defended the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms by exercising civil disobedience in carrying a gun twice into the State Capitol in Oklahoma City
Where as: Mrs. Kern has shown us how to defend the 1st Amendment by her attempt to remove gay-supportive books from public libraries
Where as: Mrs. Kern has demonstrated her profound patriotism by diverting the public's attention away from terrorism and towards gay/lesbian equality
Where as: Mrs. Kern has helped populate our ranks with new members
Where as: Mrs. Kern has directed media attention towards the inequalities of living openly as a gay man or woman in the USA
Where as: Mrs. Kern has helped educate parents and legislators about gays and lesbians with her P-FLAG interview
Be it resolved that: Mrs Sally Kern, Republican legislator in House District 84, in the State of Oklahoma, be recognized as an honorary gay/lesbian person for the rest of her God-given natural life, and
Be it further resolved that: Donations honoring this life-time achievement of Mrs. Kern be made to the campaign of Ron Marlett, her Democratic opponent
Be it finally resolved that: Congratulatory messages can be sent to Rep. Kern at , 405-557-7348, or 2713 Sterling Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73127
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