This got me thinking about how one might statistically look for trends in music preferences. I wondered if there'd ever been a factor analysis of music preferences. A factor analysis is a statical technique for finding trends amongst different variables. It's often used in personality research. You ask a large sample of volunteers a whole stack of questions (e.g., "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like parties?", "How much do you like being the center of attention?" etc.) and look for shared variance in the responses. I've written about factor analyses of personality related data before here.
Anyway, a quick literature search turned up this article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. (2003). The Do Re Mi’s of Everyday Life: The Structure and Personality Correlates of Music Preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 136-1256.
Among the studies reported is a factor analytic study of music preferences. 1,704 students from the University of Texas were asked to rate each of 14 music genres on a scale from 1 ('I don't like it at all') to 7 ('I like it a great deal'). The genres were: alternative, blues, classical, country, electronica/dance, folk, heavy metal, rap/hip-hop, jazz, pop, religious, rock, soul/funk, and sound tracks.
The analysis revealed 4 main dimensions (factors) that captured 59% of the total variance. The names given to these factors and the genres associated with them are as follows:
- Reflective and complex (blues, jazz, classical, and folk)
- Intense and rebellious (rock, alternative, heavy metal)
- Upbeat and Conventional (country, sound track, religious, and pop)
- Energetic and Rhytmic (rap/hip-hop, soul/funk, and electronica/dance)
These dimensions are reasonably independent of each other (1). People who like reflective and complex music are just as likely to enjoy intense and rebellious music as they are to not. What these factors mean is that if someone likes a genre related to a particular dimension (e.g., blues) then they'll probably also like the other genres on that dimension (e.g., jazz). The same goes for disliking a genre.
One limitation of this study is that peoples' understanding of genre terms may vary. I might think that I don't like folk music and yet like many songs that others would categorise as folk. It would be great to see an analysis done on song by song ratings, rather than just genres.
Another analysis, which was really interesting, involved looking for relationships between e musical preferences and differences in personality and cognitive ability. They found all sorts of relationships, although most of them were quite small (.2ish). The largest one (.4ish) was between a preference for Reflective and Complex music and the personality characteristic Openness to Experience. Interestingly, there was a small (.2ish) relationship between verbal IQ and liking of Reflective and Complex, Intense and Rebellious, or Upbeat and Conventional music (2).
Very interesting stuff.
I'd love to see these researchers team up with Apple and analyse the iTunes Genius data.
(1) Upbeat and Conventional and Energetic and Rythmic correlate .5 if allowed to covary.
(2) And no, I don't think this is evidence that music makes you smarter (can you guess why?).
Interesting study. I was surprised that they actually stuck with one state and in fact one area. Given geography seems to have an impact on musical tastes i would think this study should have been amongst a broader range of people for it to work.
It would be interesting to play music to people like you say and have them gauge that way.
I also think that the story behind a song or group can influence the listener.
Another thing i tend to do is listen to music based on mood. That is how i view genres, not as country or jazz but sad, upbeat, depressed, excited etc.
And one more interesting thing i would like to see studied. If i played a few songs to people from genres they normally dont listen to they will automatically feel negatively toward it. However put it in a movie or perhaps give someone a CD with a theme (say weather) and they are freed of that previously held belief.
Sorry i messed up one point. When i say genres based on mood i actually mean my mood, not the mood of the song. The two are not mutually exclusive in any way.
Well Genius actually seems to do a good job at fitting my mood. I choose a song I know fits my mood, and it does a pretty good job of giving me 25 songs appropriate for that mood.
Yes but i bet that the music it picks fits the same genre type.
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