I soon got tired of the lack of non-spin-doctor answers to any of my questions and moved on. That and the fact that my cat died while i was away at some God awful (hee hee) weekend camp with the most aggressive bunch of sexually repressed teens in my life. I took it as a sign and never went back.
I am slightly off point here however i felt it necessary to paint a picture of where i am coming from when telling you about something i discovered while reading The Selfish Gene. It was merely an offside remark Dawkins makes to describe the replication of genes, however i took note of it and as usual went a googling.
Huh? What was that again?
I couldn't believe my eyes. I went to the footnotes for further clarification as well as googling it. There are many links to various sites below however for the sake of completeness i will stick with Dawkins response to those who corresponded with him after reading his book. He explained that this is well known to biblical scholars and indeed not disputed. The Hebrew word in Isaiah is Almah which means 'young woman' of marriageable age, whether married or not, or a virgin or not; in a broad general sense exactly like girl or maid in English. If virgin were the word they were translating it would have been 'Bethulah'. What occurred is the pre-christian Greek translation known as Septuagint used 'Parthenos' which really means virgin. Many English translations also carry this error - 'Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son ..'.. The New English Bible correctly gives 'young woman' in Isaiah. Honestly translated, the verse reads: "Behold, the young woman has conceived-[is with child)-and beareth a son and calleth his name Immanuel."
So the story of the virgin birth is false, the Church know it is false and yet belief in the virgin birth is still maintained. This is outrageous and completely immoral to me. After all this is a huge part of the religion we are talking about. It is also a huge shock that i had never heard of this before. There are plenty of sites out there that will try and counter some of the facts however it is as usual with a profound lack of reasoning or credible evidence that they present their arguments.
If i had any respect straws left on my faith camel they are well and truly broken now. What will we find out next, that the second coming was also false? Perish the thought my heathen friends.
Indeed I once was blind, but now I see.
Want to read more? Here is a nice article - http://www.theskepticalreview.com/tsrmag/2virgi93.html
Hiya, nice post :) Something I kind of expected, but never confirmed.
Drop me a line if you can't access the Greer article over at Pop Psychology catrianna @ gmail.com
x cat
Subjects of Interest...I remember reading a sizable footnote about this in "the God Delusion"...but I didn't really need any more convincing that the "virgin birth" was a load of bull. Of course it's not possible, but now there is proof...and has been for a long time. How will religionites SPIN this? LMAO!!
Well i am still new to this atheist thing Chace. It came as a surprise. Since then i have been listening to the audiobook of God Delusion and discovered lots more discrepancies. I look forward to reading more about these in the future. Pass us any good books you recommend.
I can understand why you have trouble believing in the virgin birth. For man, this is impossible. Quite right. For God though, all things are possible. You could probably call me a "religionite", Chace, and I take no offence, yet I think it would be good if you were to learn a little more about the bible before deciding when something is proof, and when something is simply not completely understood. I think it is crucial to not simply believe what someone says, which goes for Christianity too, you need to discover for yourself. And Dan, I urge you to have a look at some defences of the bible, just so that you are not only seeing one side of the coin. I believe that you will find many discrepancies within the Atheistic doctrine, and you may also find that things you thought blew holes in the Christian faith in fact support it. This has been my experience. There are many references to Mary's virginity in the English bible. Although the Hebrew word in Isaiah may not have meant 'virgin', it may be that in many other places the root word was definitely the Hebrew for 'virgin'.
Still, I believe it is true that often a person's reason for rejecting God is not the one that they say. Their issue can be different to the one they tell people they want solved. Because of this I want to say that some things we may not understand, that's okay, God is truth, He can't lie. He made you. He knows everything you have ever done, and He loves you. I sometimes find it hard to believe, after the things I have done, but it is true nonetheless. Mary gave birth to Jesus, the Son of God, the One who would die just over 30 years later, and rise again, so that the things I did, the things that you did, the dirt all over us, could be washed off, and we could find peace with God. So, before possibly throwing away your eternity, and your chance to make things right with God, consider the bible in depth, probe the arguments for, probe the arguments against, experience God. Then decide what you believe.
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