Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ray Lamontagne new song

I just happened across an upcoming track from Ray Lamontagne's new album out soon called 'Gossip in the grain'. I was responding to somebody over at Aaron Darc's site about a comment Tina Arena made regarding big voiced singers being out of vogue. I wanted to use Ray as an example of someone who understands when to use the big voice and when to use a more subtle approach.

His new song provides us this as an illustration. It is another beautiful song. He is in my humble opinion on of our generations greatest singer/songwriters.


Anonymous said...


While I appreciate the time you have given to prove your point, in that good singers know when to use big notes and lower-keys, I do not believe this was the show's intention, in terms of their using Tina to "scapegoat" the contestants inability sing in a wide range of octaves, merely as a way to "excuse" their inability to ACTUALLY do it, rather than not knowing WHEN to do it.

Of course, this is only one person's opinion...but we'll soon see?

Dan said...

Hi Chase, i think you do have something. I think one of the great shames (and we talked about this a lot when we were podcasting) is that the general audience out there actually think that this is the best Australia has to offer. You and I know better than that.

I have lost interest in the show frankly. But did you notice on Darcs forum that someone found Portishead thanks to Chanel Cole? That is a great story. Just not a common one i guess. Make sure you get back to me with your comments on the talent in the Top 20.

Anonymous said...

SOI, if you haven't already worked it out (and I'm sure you have), I'm FROM Aaron's site...under another name. LOL.

Dan said...

I am assuming you are the daring Derek ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe. And yes, soon enough I will put in my own two cents about the top20/top12. Most likely on Aaron's site. And are you a poster at SeantheBloggonaut's site too?

Dan said...

ooh I dont know but that rings a bell. I will go look at his site and see!