Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Affettuoso - my homework was never like this

I was one of those kids that was just bored in school. The teaching methods never worked for me and i just zoned out most of the time.

This is some footage of a teacher in Hungary who was given truth or dare at a school party. I guess she chose dare.

This woman has my full and complete attention. Perhaps i should move over there to finally live out my dream of becoming the real Billy Madison and begin school all over again.

I just hope she doesn't expect me to stand for the national anthem.

I dedicate this Friday Affettuoso to sexy stripper teacher. The rest of me might be all Aussie but from now on ive got Hungary eyes.

boom boom


hummie said...

Come on someone has been had. if this was a bloke,everyone would be screaming. but because its a good looking female everyone thinks its ok, well its bloody well not. you want a stripper go to a strip club or organise your wife or girlfriend do do a strip for you, or call a stripogram.

Dan said...

Hi Hummie, yes i agree. I was being a bit tongue in cheek here. It is a very bizarre thing to do. She looked a bit drunk to me. The key word here is 'teacher'. No teacher should make it about them and their ego.

Perhaps strip school?

hummie said...

I agree. i saw the comments on livenews as well, so left the same thing there. so many comments saying the same thing. amazes me how many men were turned on by the idea of a teacher doing this for them. yet if it was a male teacher lock him up. i will be called all sorts of names over at livenews i am sure. but she was obviously getting her rocks off by doing what she did, you can tell by the sexual nature of her moves. she is getting off on having 15 yr olds watching her, there is something wrong with that