Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The power of prayer? Please explain.

Members of the same religion and even the same church have just been praying for their respective candidate to win the US Election.

Now that Obama has won, could someone please explain in some detail how this works? Why has God apparently chosen Obama over McCain?

How do we explain the intracacies of who's prayer gets heard?


Mark said...

It's really simple.

Each state gets a certain number of electoral prayer votes. The candidate with the most number of prayers wins those votes. If a candidate makes 270 electoral prayer votes, God tells CNN to give them the election.

hummie said...

hahahahaha, obviously mccains lot didnt pray hard enough, some of them were saying they were praying for mccain when deep down they were praying for obama. as for palin, she was praying for herself. she did the wrong thing. mccain just prayed for it to be over and may the best man win. he did. obama prayed that god would hand america over to him and that god would help him lead so be it.
geez, i had a baptist minister for a grandpa, you cant tell can you

Anonymous said...

I liked your explanation, Mark!

Andrew Goulding