Here comes the disturbing twist to the tale. Upon gaining access to Marks musique ensemble d'objets I discovered an interesting pattern. None of his playlists were just of a single album. Instead there abound playlist after playlist of jumbled mixes based on complex strings of filtered madness. Looking in the edit section of just one and I started getting dizzy. I felt like I was in a scene from The Cube.
Where was his Artist or Album playlists? I couldn't take it in. My head was swimming. Where was his Radiohead only playlist? Where was Pet Sounds, Music From Big Pink, Revolver? There appeared no band loyalty whatsoever. Rather the lists focused on randomness and file sizes and least played.
He uses the so called 'Smart' playlist option in iTunes to create these acts of musical terrorism. I say terrorism because that's what it is. He and the rest of his fickle generation of musical Pol Pots are destroying the Album as we know it every time they unleash on of these little mixed menaces onto the online community.
Further to this I propose a three strikes and your out rule; followed by intense rehabilitation. I'm thinking solitary confinement rooms filled with bean bags, gigantic headphones, a turntable and a couple of milk crates filled with Rolling Stone magazines 'Top 100 Rock albums of all time'.
All that is necessary for the perpetuation of pernicious playlists is if good people do nothing.
I bless you in the name of the Godfather, the Sun-Kil-Moon and the Spirit of the rock and roll.
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